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   Full Body Tan - £20.00


   Half Body Tan - £13.00


   Fast Tan - £22.00



Having done my training with 'The Air Tan academy of Excellence. "I'll tan you like you've never been tanned before".


Whether you want a light healthy glow, medium mediterranean golden tan or a deep, dark rich tan, I use LA TANN, voted best tan by Marie Claire magazine and used by loads of celebs. LA Tann will give you a streak free tan and confidence to walk out knowing people will think you've been away on holiday.


I have different % DHA rangeing from 8% to 18% Disco. LA Tann also do a FAST TAN which takes in 2hours for a 12% colour or 4hrs for a 14% DHA


LA TANN is 100% ORGANIC DHA, alcohol and paraben FREE, now with added :-

Aloe Vera

White and green tea extract

5 blend of vitamins





Please bring loose dark clothing and appropriate footwear such as flip flops. Avoid boots, thick socks and trainers.

The bronzers can occasionally stain silk / nylon underwear.


Eyelash/eyebrow tints and hair colour in particular blonde must be done at least 48hrs prior and post treatment as the tan can react with peroxide.





Exfoliate 24hrs before treatment using mitts or appropriate products (paying special attention to elbows, knees and

back of ankles) but NOT on the day as this can act as a barrier by blocking pores.


Moisturise after you've exfoliated, but NOT on the day of the tan, as this can act as a barrier. Shave/wax

12hrs prior to treatment.

Remove ALL deodrant, make-up and perfume after shave. Traces of this can affect the outcome of the tan.

Avoid Dove products





Do not exercise until the following day

Do not shower for at least 8hrs after your treatment (unless using Fast Tan)

Do not come into contact with water for 8hrs, no washing up, bathing the kids, filling the dish washer etc

Avoid touching the skin during the first 8hrs, this can result in tanned palms and finger ends (not a good look)

If swimming wash the chlorine off when you leave the pool.


Saunas and steam rooms will strip your tan. Swimming, long hot baths and excessive use of soap or exfoliaters will cause your tan to fade more quickly moisturise from top to toe every day, this will maintain your tan for longer. 


Please use SPF while in the sun as your tan will not offer protection from UV rays.

Your LA TANN can last between 5 - 10 days, however we recommend you to have regular top ups as this will

build and extend the life of your tan.


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